Stigma, schizophrenia, familyAbstract
Background:Stigma is a wrong belief, which is more likely based on emotional reaction to isolate and punish individual who actually need help. Stigma of a family toward their family members will impact on the recovery of patient with schizophrenia.
Objective:To explore the family stigma toward family members with schizophrenia in out patient unit of Grhasia Psychiatric Hospital in Yogyakarta Special Region.
Method:This research was descriptive with the use of a questionnaire. The data collecting technique was purposive sampling with the number of samples of 98 respondents.
Result:Family stigma toward family members withs chizophrenia was viewed from several faktors, they were education, gender, age, andtribe. Stigma was measured into three categories: namely low, medium, and high.
Conclusion:Stigma was measured into three categories; there were 4 respondents (4,1%) with low stigma, 79 respondents (80,6%) with medium stigma, and 15 respondents (15,3%) with high stigma. Most of the family have medium stigma toward family members with schizophrenia.
Keyw ords: Stigma, schizophrenia, family.
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