Author Guideline
Main Manuscript
A.Writing Format
a.Manuscripts must be typed using MS Word software, with Arial 11 font, 1.5 spacing, on A4 paper.
b.Margins: Top 3.5 cm, Bottom 2.5 cm, Left 2 cm, Right 2 cm.
B.Writing Systematics
a.The title must be written concisely in English (for full-text manuscripts in English) or in Indonesian and English (for full-text manuscripts in Indonesian).
b.The title must be no longer than 14 words.
c.Each initial word in the title begins with a capital letter (Title Case), while subsequent words use lowercase letters, except for proper nouns and certain terms based on EYD provisions.
d.Written in Arial 12 pt, bold, and centered.
2.Author's Name
a.The author's full name (without academic titles) must be written in Arial 10 pt.
b.Corresponding authors must be indicated with an asterisk (*).
c.A superscript number is added to the upper right of the author’s name to indicate affiliation.
d.Affiliation and institutional addresses are listed below the author’s name, corresponding to the superscript number.
e.The address must include the institution's name, complete postal address, and e-mail address.
a.Abstracts must be provided in English (for full-text manuscripts in English) or in Indonesian and English (for full-text manuscripts in Indonesian).
b.The word ABSTRACT must be written in uppercase (UPPERCASE), bold, Arial 10 pt.
c.The abstract must include Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
d.The abstract content must be in Arial 10 pt, single-spaced, and must not exceed 200 words.
e.Keywords must be written at the bottom of the abstract, in italics, Arial 10 pt, with a maximum of 5 keywords, arranged alphabetically.
4.Column Format
a.Sections A, B, and C (Title, Author's Name, and Abstract) must be written in a single column.
b.The main manuscript (Introduction to References) must be written in two columns.
a.The introduction must include background, problem formulation, and research objectives.
b.Must include at least 6 references, with a proportion of 70% scientific journals and 30% books, or 100% scientific journals published in the last 10 years.
6.Research Materials and Methods
a.This section contains a detailed description of the research methods, including:
Research instruments, location and time of research, samples, research flow, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
b.The methodology must be clearly and systematically explained to ensure research transparency.
c.If the research involves human or animal interventions or is a qualitative study, an ethical clearance statement must be attached.
7.Results and Discussion
a.The Results and Discussion section must present research findings narratively and may be supplemented with tables, graphs, diagrams, or images.
b.Tables and images must be: Numbered, titled, and accompanied by clear captions; Table titles are placed above the table, while image titles are placed below the image; Font for tables and images: Arial 10 pt; Tables must include horizontal lines but no vertical lines.
c.Must include at least 15 references, with a proportion of 70% scientific journals and 30% books, or 100% scientific journals published in the last 10 years.
a.Conclusions must align with research findings and refer to the research objectives.
b.Suggestions must be integrated within the conclusion without separate numbering.
9.Bibliography (References)
a.References must follow the Vancouver citation style (superscript) in the order they appear in the text.
b.It is recommended to use a reference manager, such as Mendeley.
c.Example format: After the end of a sentence, the citation number must be written in superscript before the period. Example: " shown in previous research.(1) superscript
d.Font: Arial 11 pt, single-spaced.
10.Research Contribution
This section explains the significant contribution of the research results, both directly and indirectly, to scientific knowledge and health practices.
11.Subtitle Format
a.Subtitles for the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References sections must be written in uppercase (UPPERCASE), bold, Arial 11 pt.
b.Paragraph content must be written in Arial 11 pt, following the correct rules of Indonesian or English grammar.
Acknowledgements can be included to recognize contributors, such as: Funding sources (grants, research funding, etc.); Permissions for data collection.
C.Additional Provisions
a.Abbreviations are only permitted for measurement units, without the need for further explanation.
b.All abbreviations must be defined at their first mention in the text.
c.Authors must comply with all writing guidelines as specified in the Media Ilmu Kesehatan (MIK) journal requirements.