Deteksi Varian Rhesus Dweak pada Populasi Rhesus Negatif di Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Detection, Rhesus, VariantAbstract
Background: The Rhesus blood group system is determined by the presence or absence of the D-antigen, and has clinical importance because it can cause Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction (HTR) and Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN). There are several variants of the D-antigen which are weak, so it will be detected as Rhesus Negative.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of the Rhesus D weak blood group variant in DKI Jakarta Province, so that it could determine the identity status of the blood group correctly.
Methods: The samples used in this study were whole blood samples with a maximum storage time of three days in the blood refrigerator. The examination used in this study is the Indirect Antiglobulin Test (IAT).
Results: Rhesus Dweak variant was detected in 103 samples examined using the IAT examination method.
Conclusion: Determination of the Rhesus variant in individuals is necessary to prevent clinical impact on the patient. Further examination is needed to ensure the D-antigen of the Rhesus blood group
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