Hib, Measles, Motivation, PCV, Pneumonia, VaccinationAbstract
Background: Pneumonia is a disease that is a problem of high morbidity and mortality in children under 5 years of age. The incidence of pneumonia in Indonesia increased by 2.0% in 2018, Yogyakarta area the incidence of pneumonia by 26.61% in 2017. Parents are an important target for their children's health. The importance of knowledge and motivation to reduce the incidence of pneumonia in children.
Objective: Knowing the relationship of knowledge with parents' motivation in providing Hib, PCV and Measles vaccines to prevent under five pneumonia in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta City.
Method: This research uses descriptive quantitative design with cross sectional approach. Sampling was carried out with a purposive sampling technique of 60 respondents. Retrieval of data using knowledge and motivation questionnaires and analyzed using the Gamma test.
Result: Knowledge with parental motivation in preventing toddler pneumonia in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta obtained a level of parental knowledge of 66.7% in the good category and parental motivation of 76.7% in the high category. Gamma test results obtained p-value of 0.010 with a correlation coefficient of 0.587.
Conclusions: There is a significant correlation between knowledge and parents' motivation in giving Hib, PCV and Measles vaccines to prevent under five pneumonia in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Yogyakarta City with moderate relationship closeness.
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