Sensitivity, substitute caregiver, attachment, child and migrant workersAbstract
Background: Attachment is a mutual bond between mother and child that occurs in the earlydays of life and extends to other caregivers. Secure attachment is due to the interaction betweenthe child and significant caregivers. Secure attachment is useful for the development of psychological health, cognitive, emotional, and social development of a child. Replacement of the main caregiver (mother) to substitute caregiver affects the sensitivity of parenting that will ultimately affect the quality of child’s attachment.
Objective: To determine differences in the quality of attachment to children aged 3-5 years based on substitute caregivers and to determine the relationship of parenting sensitivity to the attachment quality of migrant workers’ children in East Lombok District.
Methods: This was an observational study with a cross sectional design with quantitative approaches. The independent variables were substitute care giver sand parenting sensitivity and the dependent variable was quality of attachment. Parenting sensitivity was measured by making observations based on the Caregiver Interaction Scale and child’s attachment was measured by Attachment Q-Set (AQS). Based on total population sampling, the sample in this study was136 pairs of children and caregivers. The bivariable analysis used independent t-test and ProductMoment correlation test.
Results: There was no difference in the child's attachment to his/her aunt and grandmother as a substitute caregiver, but there was a positive relationship between parenting sensitivity ofsubstitute caregivers to child’s attachment. The child who was left at the age more than 24 months had greater attachment 19.34% than that left at the age of less than or equal to 24 months (with a coefficient of 24.21).
Conclusion: There was no significant difference in child's attachment to grandmother and auntas a substitute caregiver; however, there was a relationship between parenting sensitivity of substitute care givers and child’s attachment.
Keywords: Sensitivity, substitute caregiver, attachment, child and migrant workers
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