
  • Muhamat Nofiyanto Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta


endotracheal suctioning, cardio pulmonary parameters, critically ill patients.


Background: Endotracheal suctioning is often  performed  by  nurses  and  beneficial  for  critically  ill patients. Suctioning is essential for removing secretions, maintaining airway  patency  and  prevent unexpected complications. Open suctioning is performed by disconnecting patients with the ventilator. Suctioning not only removed secretions in  the  airway  but  also  oxygen.  Suctioning  must  be  done correctly, safely, effectively and efficiently to prevent unexpected events in critically ill patients.

Objective: This study aimed to determine differences  on cardiopulmonary  parameters  after open suction  in critically ill patients

Methods: The study design was comparatif cross sectional  analytic  approach,  using one group  pre test  and post test. The sample of the research amounted to 34 people, using purposive sampling technique. Catheter size 14 Fr on ETT number 7 mm used in this research to performed endotracheal suctioning. Cardiopulmonary parameters  (Heart  rate/  HR,  respiratory  rate/RR,  oxygen  saturation/SpO2,  systolic blood pressure/ SBP and diastolic blood  pressure/DBP)  measured  by  pulse  oxymeter  and  bedside monitor before suction and immediately thereafter.

Results: The results showed increase average heart rate 6.412  (from  106.62  into 113.03),  Respiratory  rate has increased 4.971 (from 20.62 into 25.59), SpO2 decreased 1.68  (from  99.09  into  97.41),  and systolic blood pressure increased 5.71 (from 118.29  into  124.00)  after  performed  open  suction.  The results of paired t-test statistical analysis (for RR, HR) obtained a < 0.05 (0.000),  whereas  Wilcoxon statistical analysis (for SpO2, SBP) obtained a < 0.05 (0.000 and 0.001). So it can  be  said  that  the difference cardiopulmonary parameters was  statistically  significant  after  perfomed  open  suction  in critically ill patients.

Keywords: Endotracheal suctioning, cardiopulmonary parameters, critically ill patients.

Author Biography

Muhamat Nofiyanto, Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Jl. Ringroad Barat Ambarketawang Gamping Sleman Yogyakarta 0274 434 2000


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How to Cite

Nofiyanto M. PERBEDAAN PARAMETER KARDIO PULMONAL SETELAH TINDAKAN OPEN SUCTION. Media ilmu kesehatan [Internet]. 2019 Oct. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];2(3):130-6. Available from:

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