Analysis of factors influencing smoker behavior in designated non-smoking zone on campus

  • Felix Leonardi Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Mutiara Ulfa Trirasetya Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Suhartomi Suhartomi Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Widya Yanti Sihotang Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Rizki Edmi Edison Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Keywords: attitude, knowledge, non-smoking behavior, Smoke-Free Campus Areas


Background: The GATS research findings indicate that tobacco use in Indonesia is the highest worldwide among teenagers, with a percentage of 34.8% consumed by individuals aged 15 and above. Tobacco companies leverage this legality to market cigarettes widely to students, including university students. Smoke-free areas are government efforts to prevent smoking on campuses.
Objective: To identify determinant factors affecting non-smoking behavior among smokers in smoke-free campus areas.
Methods: This research study is descriptive quantitative with a cross-sectional design. It used a purposive sampling technique with criteria of 74 male smoker students from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at Universitas Prima Indonesia and was analyzed using a chi-square test.
Results: The chi-square test analysis results indicated an effect between knowledge and attitude on non-smoking behavior in smoke-free campus areas with a P-value of 0.001.
Conclusion: The research findings found that knowledge and attitude are determinant factors of non-smoking behavior among smokers in smoke-free campus areas.


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How to Cite
Leonardi F, Trirasetya MU, Suhartomi S, Sihotang WY, Edison RE. Analysis of factors influencing smoker behavior in designated non-smoking zone on campus. Media ilmu kesehatan [Internet]. 2024Jul.20 [cited 2024Oct.7];13(2):122-30. Available from: