The effect of a combination of kepok banana peel (musa acuminata balbisiana colla) and bay leaf (syzygium polyanthum) extracts on bleeding time in wistar rats (rattus norvegicus)
Banana Kepok Peel, Bay Leaves Bleeding Time, Hemostasis, Wistar RatsAbstract
Background: The body injured potential for bleeding. Hemostatic drugs used to stop bleeding have many side effects. Kepok banana peels and bay leaves contain flavonoids and tannins which can stop bleeding.
Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of kepok banana peel extract and bay leaves on bleeding time in Wistar rats.
Methods: True experimental research type with post test only with control group design. 20 rats were divided into 5 groups, group K- was given aquadest, group K+ : epinephrine 1mg/1ml, group F1: kepok banana peel extract and bay leaves 25%:75%, group F2 was given extract 50:50%, and group F3 was given 75%:25% extract.
Results: One Way ANOVA test obtained a value of p=0,002 showing that there was a significant difference in the time to stop bleeding for each treatment group, followed by the Post Hoc Games Howell test.
Conclusion: The F3 group with a combination of 75% kepok banana peel extract and 25% bay leaf extract was the most effective group in accelerating bleeding time in Wistar rats
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