Implementation of E-Book Services (Adkuh Book) For The Public At Surakarta Orthopedic Hospital
E Book Application (Adkuh Book), Health Information, Health Services SystemAbstract
Background: It is hoped that the use of e-Government from bureaucracy can be an alternative for bureaucratic reform for the better. The concept of digital public services leads to effective principles. while efficient means doing something correctly.
Objective: To increase the convenience of health services by facilitating E-Book (Adkuh Book) services to the public.
Method: This research method uses Research and Development which to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. Both products can produce new products or modify existing products.
Results: From the results of the bivariate analysis, it was found that there was an increase in respondents' interest (the average pre-test score with high interest was 96.78 points and the average post-test score with low scores was 43.04 points). To look for disease information before seeking treatment or registering at the Surakarta orthopedic hospital and was statistically significant (p=<0.001). Most respondents know how to access the Adkuh Book
Conclusion: There is a positive and significant influence on the intention to use the Adkuh Book on the use of health information for orthotic prosthetic patients. There is a positive and significant influence between Perceived Ease of Use on Intention to use Adkuh Book.
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