Analisis Pola Konsumen Dalam Bertransaksi Bisnis di Bengkel Resmi AHASS Total Honda Motor
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Market Basket AnalysisAbstrak
The accumulated data, which consists of facts and transaction events in a business, should be processed and utilized for the progress of business development. Currently, the data owned by AHASS THM has not been optimized and further processed to provide broader benefits, such as promotion and forming loyal AHASS customers. The objective of this research is to analyze the existing transaction data to identify consumer transaction patterns at AHASS THM. The research methodology used is Market Basket Analysis (MBA), a method for analyzing consumer transaction data by finding associative relationships between different items in the consumer's shopping cart. By applying a minimum parameter limitation of support = 0.001, confidence = 0.8, and sorting based on the magnitude of the confidence parameter, 62 associative rules of consumer transaction patterns in AHASS THM business were obtained. By selecting the top 10 associative rules based on the highest confidence values, generally, these associative rules have a confidence parameter greater than 0.95 or 95%. Additionally, there are 3 associative rules with a confidence value of 1 or 100%, indicating that consumers will purchase Bearing Needle 20x29x218 after buying Bearing Ball 6902U, or a combination of Bearing Ball 6902U with CVT Grease 10 gr or Oli MPX2 0.8 lt.
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