
  • Dwi Sandi Yulianto Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
  • Adri Priadana Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
  • Andika Bayu Saputra Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
  • Fajar Syahruddin Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta



SURF, FLANN, Pencocokan fitur, Deteksi Spam, Ekstraksi ciri


Social media is a new media that utilizes the internet to share information, interact, participate and others, and to be used with each other. Currently there are many social media circulating, one of which is Instagram. At first Instagram was only used to share photos, then along with the development of technology and media, Instagram also developed into being able to share videos and shop on Instagram. Instagram is also one of the social media specifically used to upload images and videos. The growing use of Instagram in supporting promotion makes Instagram faced with various problems, one of which is the emergence of spam issues. For example, the publication of spam on Instagram is published by several sellers of products or the like continuously. It's good to promote a product. But on the other hand, it will interfere with other users if the spam often appears. This is exacerbated by the mass use of popular hashtags, done with the aim of getting more views. Popular hashtags are hashtags that are followed by many Instagram users. Based on these problems, it takes a computer program to detect spam issues based on certain hashtags on Instagram. In this final task, the Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) and Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor (FLANN) methods will be applied to detect spam publications on Instagram. The results of experiments that have been conducted on 12 images that produce 66 comparisons, the application of SURF and FLANN methods can be said to be very good in detecting the similarity of images between Instagram publications that indicate that the same image is a spam issue, which is with a maximum accuracy value of 100%.


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How to Cite

Sandi Yulianto, D. ., Priadana, A. ., Bayu Saputra, A. ., & Syahruddin, F. (2021). PENERAPAN METODE SURF DAN FLANN UNTUK MENDETEKSI TERBITAN SPAM PADA INSTAGRAM . Teknomatika: Jurnal Informatika Dan Komputer, 14(2), 59–63.