Desain User Interface Dan User Experience Prototype Mobile Learning Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking Metode Design Thinking
UI/UX Design, Design Thinking, SEQ, SUSAbstract
Abstract - Do Up uses the website as online learning. users complain about the accessibility of the website with some minimal features and an unattractive UI when accessed via a smartphone will make the UX limited and will limit user interaction in using Do Up. Designing UI and UX prototypes of mobile learning at startup Do Up, using the design thinking method to solve problems and find the right solution according to the user's wishes. The author applies design thinking in this research. The author makes an illustration in the form of a Do Up mobile learning UI design that is in accordance with user needs and provides the design to Do Up stakeholders. In SEQ there are 4 scales given by users, namely 4.5, 6 and 7 scale. Most users give a 7 scale on the UI/UX design of the Do Up mobile learning prototype. On SUS which shows that the final score is 87 It means that the prototype has been well received by the users. The author has applied design thinking which consists of empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test stages in this study.
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